Colleges and universities use the SAT scores while considering your eligibility for admission at the undergraduate level. The SAT exam remains a standard in assessing a student’s critical reading, analytical reasoning, logical reasoning, and writing skills. SAT is an incredibly important test because the scores help you secure admission to the colleges you want and earn the scholarship funding you deserve. You need to be aptly prepared when you sit for this exam. This article presents you with some convenient options, with a grand total of costing you $0.00. Some colleges offer guaranteed admission if the applicants meet the requirements regarding SAT scores.
Khan academy
Khan Academy is an excellent option to study and prepare for the SAT completely free. They have full-length SAT practice tests, instructional videos, and more available on their website. They offer free, personalized practice based on your diagnostic test results. You can also find booklets, videos, etc. on their website and you are not required to log in.

Kaplan has become a recognized name in SAT preparation. Kaplan SAT Test Preparation offers free live online courses and a self-paced option. Kaplan provides personalized study plans, strategies, and on-demand lessons. Kaplan’s SAT Turbo Test is a shortened version of the SAT to help you see what your score would be if you sit for the real SAT today. They also offer a ‘Question of the Day’ segment with a detailed explanation and answers for each.
Complete SAT Grammar and Punctuation Rules
This guide is available on the internet. You can download it to print out. It covers everything you are going to need to know (about commas, colons, dashes, and more) for the SAT exam.
Free 90-Minutes SAT Prep Class
This free online class covers all information as you will need in one hour and a half. This class will brief you on the different types of questions you will encounter on the SAT and how to answer each one.

CollegeBoard offers a Question of the day, Sample Questions, Tutorials, and Practice Tests for the SAT exam. You are not required to log in or submit any additional information. In addition to having ways to practice the SAT, CollegeBoard also offers several test-taking strategies, plans, and methods that can help you get an impressive score.
Method Test Prep
Method is another useful free online resource for SAT preparation. Their contributors regularly sit for the SAT test, just to make sure that their resources remain accurate, up-to-date. They provide you lessons with all the concepts you will encounter on the main exam. They present this information to you in easy-to-understand study guides.
Ready4 SAT App
This app will walk you through all the steps of the SAT exam by answers and explanations on over a thousand different practice questions. They have customizable practice tests for SAT preparation. This app will help you track your improvement overtime, which will keep you motivated throughout this journey.

If you are looking to get admission at an undergraduate level, SAT scores are essential for your entry to colleges abroad. Taking the SAT exam will improve your English reading, writing, and speaking skills. It will also improve your numerical knowledge. If you are considering taking this standardized exam, go through the free online resources presented in this article and start preparing!