Career burnout is a major reason for many people changing jobs frequently. There are a number of reasons you may be feeling burned out in your job. If you are working long hours without recognition, working too hard for the pay you receive, or you have put aside your own mental health needs for the sake of your work, you are likely to experience career burnout within the near future. When you are concerned about preventing burnout, it’s important to learn strategies to maintain your motivation, set firm boundaries, utilize support, and maintain a health work-life balance that works for you.

Learning to Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries is essential in all aspects of your life, but it is vital to your success in preventing burnout while at work. It is important to take a good look at what your job duties are periodically, in order to prioritize what needs to happen throughout the week. If you need support, speak to your manager about expectations, and why you might be feeling overwhelmed. Healthy boundaries at work are created when you ask for help from your supervisor, follow through with plans that you make together, and communicate your needs consistently to the right people.

Prioritizing Self-Care

Self-care involves different strategies based on your specific needs, but the goal is to take care of your emotional, physical, and spiritual needs. When your needs are met, you are less likely to deal with career burnout. As a busy professional, you need to adopt practical self-care strategies that become part of your regular routine. Going for a walk at lunch, staying off social media, and getting enough sleep at night can all become part of a healthy self-care routine. If you find yourself always stressed out because you are too busy, look for ways to give yourself a break throughout the day.

Building a Support System

Your support system at work will take time to build. If you are in a large corporation, your support team might include your supervisor, a manager, or a member of the human resources team. Identify the people within your organization who are a natural support to you, and be mindful of sharing too much personal information. If you are a manager, it’s important that people you supervise don’t become an excessive part of your support system. Work as a team with those you supervise, and ask for help when you need it. For additional support outside of work, a good therapist is a key way to access mental health services that will help prevent career burnout.

Seeking Recognition and Advancement

If you are never recognized for your achievements at work, you are more likely to suffer from career burnout. Employees who don’t feel appreciated will eventually move on to a different company. Burnout levels are high among employees who don’t think their work is noticed. When you work for a company that doesn’t recognize achievements, you might start seeking a job somewhere else in order to advance your career. If you have a manager, be clear about your career goals. You don’t want to be overlooked for a promotion because you were not clear that you were interested. Apply for internal promotions when possible and speak to your manager about what you can change in order to meet the qualifications for a promotion. If your manager isn’t listening, it’s time to move to a different position.

Preventing Career Burnout

It is important to pay attention to your mental health and get the support you deserve when you are feeling burned out at work. Prioritize your work duties and ask for clarification from your supervisor when you feel overwhelmed with all the tasks you have to complete. Take time for self-care with simple habit changes and look for ways to integrate moments of rest into your day. If you need support, reach out to your supervisor, human resources, or a therapist to address specific support needs. Prioritize your mental health, and you will discover that you are better able to perform at work and reduce your chance of experiencing complete career burnout.

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