If you feel like you are stuck in a dead-end job or you are looking to change careers, you might be wondering what your best bet will be as far as degrees for 2022. Master’s degrees are one of the best options for your needs if you want to look for a skilled job or a job that requires this advanced degree to be eligible to apply. Master’s degrees are a great way to help yourself to move forward in your career or to make a leap to a new career but there are lots of degrees out there that you can choose from.

You might find that there are lots of degrees that could work for you to meet your goals but they might not be the most in-demand degrees that are popular right now. If you are worried that you are getting a degree that does not maintain relevance over the long haul, then you should be sure that you are looking at degrees that will be worth having in 2022 and beyond.

If you are ready to learn more about the most in-demand Master’s degrees to pursue in 2022, read on!

Most In-Demand Master’s Degrees to Study/Pursue in 2022

Software Developer Degree

This is one of the best degree fields to pick for your needs. You will find that there is no shortage of things that you can do with a software development degree. From creating software, to project management, to management itself, your software degree will be well worth all the effort that you put into getting it. You will find that there is no shortage of opportunities that are available to those with tech degrees and this will be true well past 2022.

If you are ready to make the leap to tech jobs, software development is the way to go for almost all of the best-paying jobs that are within this field.

 AI Degrees

AI is on the rise and it is taking new forms that no one could have expected. Rather than being used to create robots, AI is being used to create smart cars, smart devices, and even items like shopping navigation. AI is involved in advertising, navigation and is also used for all kinds of plug-ins that are used in other technologies. 

AI is a growing field that will not let you down if you invest in a Master’s under this umbrella today. This is a field that will be growing for the next decade at least and you will not be disappointed that you got a degree in this field.

Biotech Degree

Biotech has many different job options within the field and you might be working with genes, developing medical products or medications, or creating devices that can save lives or generate solutions for the health and welfare of everyone. This is also a stable field that offers lots of opportunities and you will be glad that you decided to invest in this degree field when you see how well paid you will be and how many opportunities there are for those who join the biotech career path.

VR Degree

Virtual reality is a growing concern and if you love designing things and love working with technology, this could be a great choice for your career change. You will be able to help create and design cutting-edge technologies that are being used for fun, learning, and problem-solving all around the world. 

This is a really fascinating degree path to decide to get on and you will find that there are almost limitless opportunities to be had when you choose VR for your field of study. VR is poised to pick up increasingly large chunks of the technology market and you can be involved in the evolving reality of VR that makes for lots of available jobs all around the world.

Teaching Degree

Despite the challenges of 2020 and ongoing discussions about what teaching will look like in the future, there is still a teacher shortage all around the US and in other parts of the world as well. There are almost unlimited possibilities in many areas for those with a teaching degree and you will find that professor positions are the same way. 

You can have a very secure and interesting job future by becoming a teacher and getting your master’s degree in education. You will love that you can give back to your community and to the children who live in it every day while you are at work.

Marketing Degree

This is a field that never becomes obsolete and you will find that marketing is still a great place to focus your efforts in 2022 and beyond. You will see that marketing has changed to be done the long-distance in some cases and you will no longer make physical storyboards and other marketing materials. These things have been replaced by social media skills and branding training. You will be able to help companies of all kinds with their marketing and branding needs and you will be compensated well for your efforts.

Getting the Right Master’s Degree is Easy

If you have been worried about getting the right degree for 2022 and beyond, you will want to look at the degrees on this list. Investing your money and time into a degree path will take care of all of your career needs with ease. You want to be sure that you are not going to pick a degree that will turn into a dead-end and all of the degrees on this list will remain relevant into the future.

Leaning toward technology degrees or degrees in necessary fields is always smart but you want to be sure that you will not pick a job field that is on the way out. These degrees will make sure that you do not experience frustration with your degree choice in the future and that you are able to continue to grow in your career well into the future.