Most activities in our daily life have moved from offline to online. Similarly, during the COVID period, all programs were being held virtually. Webinars or live events vary from organization to organization. These events feature eminent personalities sharing their experiences or advice. Moreover, nowadays the demand for such webinars or online live programs is huge. Keeping that demand in mind there are some important strategies that a host or presenter should follow during any program. If you are a host or presenter of a Virtual Program, then these 5 tips are for you:

1. Make plans

List the steps to follow from start to finish of the program. Knowing everything about the interviewee will allow you to ask lots of questions and make your guests feel comfortable. Also, don’t forget to have a backup plan. If somehow you face any sort of issues, you must inform your backend team member & follow that plan. Also, if you find yourself panicking, believe that it will get normal within a few minutes. Have faith in yourself and be confident.

2. Check the technical issues

Check if the audio, camera, lighting, Wi-Fi etc. are fine. Prepare a Plan B in advance- just in case the internet connection gets lost during the program. Be ready with everything at least 15 minutes before the start of the program. Enhance the beauty of the seating area with a background wall or additional decoration.

3. Create the script

Write down how you want to introduce your guest(s) to the audience and what questions you want to ask them. Instead of asking traditional questions, try something new. Ask the guest some interesting questions keeping in mind the target audience. Make sure to avoid personal questions which can make the guest feel uncomfortable. Make sure you are aware of what to do and what not to do.

4. Engage the audience

Try to engage the audience within the first 15 seconds, so that they want to enjoy the program all through. Viewers make many comments and questions during the program. Read their questions and comments, which they will consider a part of your program. In some cases, you may arrange quiz or questions segments for the audience, which will hook to the target audience.

5. Bring the energy and be happy

Try to keep yourself energetic and cheerful. If the host of a show is being too boring or too serious, then the guests and audience may not feel cheerful as well. If something is going wrong in your personal life, don’t let it show in front of the camera. The world will see what you want to show them. Finally, be sure to smile and speak clearly.

The Takeaway

These were 5 important tips for virtual program hosting. Now it’s time to get ready to host your next program! We hope your hosting will feel better than before with these tips.