GRE, also known as the Graduate Records Examination, features questions in analytical writing, verbal reasoning, and quantitative reasoning. Candidates take GRE through a computer-based delivery system. GRE tests the skills students will need to succeed in competitive graduate programs. Candidates can prepare with the help of online resources for this complex exam. The free online resources presented below will help you prepare for GRE free of cost.
Magoosh GRE Prep
Although access to the site is typically not free, users can sign up for a one-week free trial. This time duration is enough to prepare if you put maximum effort. Through Magoosh’s prep course, you will have access to materials on all sections of the GRE. They also offer custom schedules so that you can track your studying progress. You will find full-length practice tests on this website that are timed according to the actual duration of the GRE. Magoosh also features a score predictor tool that predicts a possible score based on your preparation.
LEAP GRE Prep Network by QS LEAP
This platform works to enrich your preparation experience and help you understand the materials better. They offer students more than 1100 practice GRE questions. Candidates can find daily 30-minute-long classes on the math and language portion of the GRE. You will also have more than 600 blogs and videos to explore for learning. The site is ideal for quickly reviewing topics right before your exam to solve any kind of confusion.
Free GRE Prep Course by 800Score

By taking the free GRE prep course, you will be able to assess any type of question on the GRE. You will also have an idea of how much time you will have to answer each question. There are more than 200 sample questions. You will also find over 150 curated videos to watch for the best information. They will launch a new video game interface in late 2021, that makes the test preparation process more engaging.
Manhattan GRE Practice Test
Manhattan GRE Practice Test offers you the chance to take a full-length practice test. They are a reputable source of any kind of GRE information. Manhattan offers practice tests of a very high standard and is created by experts. The tests are completely free of cost. The practice tests are complete with explanations.
GRE Prep Course 2 by SkillShare
Skillshare offers a short GRE prep course by Jeff Kolbly which is excellent for those looking for quick study material. SkillShare currently offers a free basic level membership. This GRE prep course contains a video that is about 1 hour and 45 minutes long and contains relevant examples. The course also contains explanations of the questions one will face while taking the GRE. This course focuses specifically on quantitative comparison math-related questions that candidates face while taking GRE.

Taking a free online course can guarantee a higher score. Also, by taking these online courses you will be able to choose which lessons you should focus on more based on your abilities. These resources could significantly increase your odds of admission to the graduate program of your dreams. So, give your best to achieve a good score!