In the post-pandemic situation, The job market will be more competitive and challenging. The job seekers are afraid of it. But, the recruiters are seeing it as an opportunity to find their desired person. The desires of a person depend upon their personality and some skills. The skills are needed to survive the challenges of the 21st century Most of these skills are interpersonal skills. Such as Communication skills, Case-Solving efficiency, Time Management skills, Presentation skills, Using Infographics, Effective social management and personal website, A well-structured Linked in profile, etc. Let’s go through a short description :
Communication skills
Our world is now lasting in a modern era. In this era, humans are living on food and connectivity. Communicating with other people is one of the necessary skills nowadays. To achieve this skill, a person needs to be excellent in communication. But, how does he or she do that? People have to share their ideas, learnings and express their thoughts to others. Communication is the only medium for it. To make ourselves good in communication, we have to join a club/social organization, try to negotiate in any academic or voluntary works, and practice communicating with family, friends, and mentors. Before communicating with others, it should be remembered that communication etiquette defines our learnings, stability, and flexibility, and most importantly personality. In a communication process, we have to speak less but express more.
Case-solving Efficiency

The world is full of knowledge and experience. From ancient times, we faced new problems that we all tried to solve. In this modern age, this problem-solving efficiency has been placed in a new dimension for efficient management. We have to solve problems with our bookish knowledge and the reality of previous experiences.
Time Management skills
A proverb goes, “Time and Tide Wait for None.” In today’s busy life, it’s a hard truth sentence. A person has to manage this time skillfully. Who can do this properly, he is called more productive, and today the productive persons are the employer’s first choice.
Presentation skills
The 21st century is based on presentation. The effectiveness of a candidate can be measured on his or her presentation. If he or she can present himself/herself within a short word using proper adjectives, he/she will go faster in the race of seeking jobs.
Using Infographics
The presentation theory says that, speak or describe less but show more. How will that be possible? A short trick is known as Infographics, where we can present our numerical data and new ideas by visualizing some graphs, charts, and shapes. Nowadays, it is more preferable to design a resume, CV, portfolio, and PowerPoint slides.
Technical skills

During this pandemic period, we all use the internet more than at any other time. It will become an essential part of our daily life. Because today it is used for our regular work. We are working in the office from home. We attend our classes from our reading room over the internet. We meet with our teachers, colleagues, and friends virtually by using zoom, google meet, MS teams, etc. It’s a message of the 4th Industrial Revolution. To meet the upcoming days’ challenges, we must have an MS office, Google-based apps, Basic Programming, Web Development, Website Designing, Banner/poster designing, etc. These all skills are included in Technical skills. In this competitive job market, the more skilled candidates in technology are staying ahead of the competition.
Effective Personal Websites
In the time of the digital world, a personal website can add value for job seekers where the job seekers show his/her portfolio, sharing previous experiences and life events along with photographs.
A well-structured Linkedin profile
An informative and recruiter-friendly LinkedIn can bring the candidates to the recruiter’s door. Because most of the online-based employers primarily selected their candidates for interviews on the candidate’s LinkedIn profile. A good LinkedIn profile can indeed state its owner’s social media management skills, presentation skills, and communication skills in a better way. Because our LinkedIn profile reaches our recruiters before us, in this regard, a well-structured LinkedIn profile may bring our entry pass to the interview board.

These all are the elements that belong to an ideal corporate job seeker in the post-pandemic job seekers. To achieve them, the bookish knowledge can keep a small role but willingness, concentration, and perseverance are the game-changers. Those can reach us towards the door of success.