Why does it often get difficult to accept a setback or to get turned down? Why do we almost always assume as if “no” is not a natural part of life? Well, I am here to remind you that rejection does not necessarily mean, “You are not good enough”, and, sometimes a “we’re sorry…try again” can be an opportunity for you to do it better next time. Rejection is a natural part of life, and I know it can be difficult to accept.

However, if we interpret a “no” as a testament to our self-worth, we will be doing a great deal of injustice to ourselves and potentially push ourselves into despair and depression. We often forget that sometimes it just means that you weren’t the right fit for that opportunity, and that is okay. In fact, rejection can be an opportunity for growth and self-improvement. You must understand that you will not be a perfect fit for every opportunity, but it doesn’t mean you’re not fit for other opportunities or you do not have the scope to get better.

Receiving rejection emails for jobs, internships, grants, fellowships, scholarships, and other applications can be disheartening, but they also provide valuable lessons that can help you in your future pursuits. Here are 7 lessons you can learn from rejection emails:

  1. It’s not personal: Rejection emails are not a complete reflection of your worth as a person or your multifarious abilities. They simply mean that the organization or company found someone who was a better fit for the position or opportunity. This will enable you to have a positive mindset and accept difficult situations more easily. 
  2. Keep trying: Don’t let rejection discourage you from applying for similar opportunities in the future. Use the feedback provided in the rejection email to improve your application and make your future applications better. 
  3. Learn from the application experience: While reflecting on the feedback is useful, it is important to ponder upon the application experience as it will show areas where you can work on and make sure that you put enough time and resources to make your next application better. 
  4. Network: Rejection emails can be an opportunity to network with the organization or company. Thank them for their consideration and ask for feedback or advice on how you can improve your application in the future.
  5. Be gracious: Even if you’re disappointed with the rejection, respond to the email in a professional and gracious manner. This can leave a positive impression and may lead to future opportunities.
  6. Keep a positive attitude: The keys to progress in life are to keep a positive attitude, to stay motivated, and to keep working towards your goals. Remember that every rejection is a step towards success, as it helps you learn and grow.

Lastly,  do not let the fear of rejection hold you back from trying again and pursuing your dreams. And who knows, sometimes the greatest successes come from the ashes of failure. Consider this as an encouragement coming from someone who has had his fair share of rejections.  

Remember, every setback is a chance for a stronger comeback.