In the era of having time as the most valued currency, we are constantly switching our technology picks to maximize productivity. There is now an influx of apps and websites available to make our life easier and our work smarter. Then, why not sort them out as per our priorities and utilize them to the max potential?
We always go for the classics like Whatsapp or Instagram while choosing the top apps we want in our smartphones. This pack of social networking apps often distracts us from those that are offering more value to our personal and professional life.
Irrespective of what profession we belong to or what role we play in our personal lives, these apps below are worth a space.
This app emerges from a real-life coherence of necessity is the mother of invention. Founders-CEOs Katherine Salisbury and George Friedman founded this app as a solution to their mismanagement of personal finance. Traditional joint accounts can be really hectic in terms of sorting your money towards the long-term or short-term goals you have set. Moreover, you need sufficient balance to bear if any unforeseen expense occurs. Balancing your paycheck keeping all these savings and spendings in mind is now to hand over. Qapital covers you with a solution to these tiring equations. It incorporates automation and social-behavioral science to help individuals and couples find money happiness. Both android and ios users can try the app 30 days for free.

Now, this is the most mindful app with the least screen time. Productivity solutions can sometimes be the main culprit behind your procrastinating. Amongst all these apps idling away your hours, the Forest app makes you put your phone away to focus on your work. And by minding your own business you could actually help save the forest!
Don’t scroll down already. Here is how the app functions. Leave the app running while you are devoting time to your work. Meanwhile, the app will plant virtual seeds and the time you are spending elsewhere is helping your virtual trees to grow. These virtual trees can get you enough coins that you can use to plant real trees! So far, Forest has planted 1197155 trees, and now it’s your call to join this noble movement of saving the environment just by staying focused on work.
10 Minute Mail
I bet 60% of your incoming mails belong to those websites or apps that you don’t need any longer. Maybe you needed to enter your mail address just to receive a verification code and now they can’t stop updating you every day. Why give away personal emails to a random online shopping website you don’t want daily sale updates from? This is exactly the same concern 10 Minute Mail shares with us. 10 Minute Mail is a free tool to avoid ending up our emails to be on a bunch of spam lists. This tool will generate a disposable mail address to serve your temporary requirements and will expire just in 10 minutes. Use it to save your important emails from the flood of spam.
Micro Workers
What if I say, you can earn by doing small tasks like completing a survey, transcribing papers, or collecting specific newspaper clips? This is possible. Weblabcenter, Inc founded this crowd-sourcing website. We already know such freelance services as Fiverr, and Micro Workers function similarly. Employers here post tasks mentioning requirements and pricing. Workers, whoever can do the work perfectly, get paid.
Amazon Mechanical Turk is a similar crowdsourcing marketplace and Micro Workers is considered as the best alternative to it. You can have a similar app providing the same platform, here, called Microwork.
Adobe Color

The name itself suggests this free tool is a great help for any Adobe software like Photoshop, Illustrator, or XD. Color plays an important role in turning an ordinary visual object into an eye-catching one. Combining the perfect shades of color can be a tricky job to do, even for professional graphic designers. To make this struggle easier with your own customized color palette, Adobe Color is an extension all the naive or professional designers need.
Adobe color wheel helps designers to create color palettes of primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. There are features to help extract colors from photos, dissect each color from a photo, etc. You can directly visit the website by clicking the headline or get it on your phone by downloading an app called Adobe Capture.
You may not be a regular user of Adobe softwares. As to create visual content, we usually use Canva. The Adobe Color tool is useful for Canva users as well. All you need is just to copy the color code or pick the color using a color picker extension to your browser.
Z Library
This is probably the biggest free online library to find books of any language and articles from any corner of the world. With a total of 8,560,887 books & 84,837,646 articles, this website is a treasure house of unlimited knowledge. You have to set the preferred language, genre, and keyword for the resource you are looking for, and you are loaded with immense books and articles.
There is a donation deal going on for the contributors, check that out here!
If you’re asked to tick the day of your last period, can you recall it without a second thought? You’re offering me a blank stare I assume. This is where Clue lends you assistance. This app claims to be more than a period tracker. It’s a full-fledged menstrual calendar extended to treat your PMS, PCOS, etc. Setting up a Clue account will bring your menstrual cycle tracking, symptoms, and pregnancy all under one umbrella. And, subscribing to the paid premium version, Clue Plus, you’ll get the most of the Clue services easily.
Want to read more about Femtech apps like Clue? You are just a click away.
With over 30 million downloads, Fing stands as the most trustworthy network IP scanning app around the world. Fing being the detector of ghost devices on your network is available for both android and ios users.
Broadband users always have to stay alert to identify WiFi stealers for an uninterrupted network. We obviously don’t want to share the network we are paying for. This is the reason Fing is popular amongst the users, as it detects unwanted network intruders and devices that are connected to our WiFis. This free app can detect such devices with IP addresses for each host and the data they are making In one quick IP scan.
It also has Finbox that sends you a prompt alert whenever a trespasser tries to get access into your network and allows you to block them right away.

This never-ending list of useful apps and websites includes Bluelight Filter, Unified Remote, Privacy4cars, etc. The rise of amazing apps and websites around the decade has improved our lives dramatically. Life surely is complicated. But these apps and websites can make it a bit easier to navigate.